Sabbath & Holy Days Bible Q&A Sabbath Does the Bible say that Saturday is the seventh day? Sabbath Read More → Sabbath Sabbath Does the Bible teach that the Sabbath begins and ends with sunset? Sabbath Read More → Sabbath Holy Days Can you explain why the holy days are still in effect and should be kept today? Holy Days Read More → Holy Days Sabbath I have heard many pros and cons about whether we should keep the Sabbath today. Can you please explain to me why the Sabbath should be kept today? Sabbath Read More → Sabbath Law, Holy Days Doesn’t Paul remind the Colossians that the Mosaic law was nailed to the cross and, in the same context, warn of heretics who would have them adopt Old Testament holy days (Colossians 2:14–17)? Law, Holy Days Read More → Law, Holy Days Sabbath, Creation If one is keeping the Sabbath correctly, it seems we would have to observe the exact same time zone period as God did at creation. What do you think? Sabbath, Creation Read More → Sabbath, Creation Law, Sabbath, Holy Days After reading Galatians 4:9,10, I am having trouble with why Christians are to keep the Sabbath and Holy Days? Is Paul saying we are not to be bound by the festivals and Sabbaths? Law, Sabbath, Holy Days Read More → Law, Sabbath, Holy Days Holy Days, Sabbath I would like help in explaining something I am having trouble understanding. I know that you depend heavily on Leviticus 23 to prove that people should observe the holy days that are listed there. Holy Days, Sabbath Read More → Holy Days, Sabbath Sabbath The Sabbath is not mentioned in any of the lists of evils or lists of virtues in the New Testament. Doesn’t this suggest that the Fourth Commandment is no longer in force? Sabbath Read More → Sabbath BAck to Categories