Mar 23, 2023
How many angels are there in a legion?
Mar 21, 2023
What is the meaning of 1 Peter 3:19,20? It says, “By whom also He went and preached to the spirits in prison.” Who are the “spirits in prison,” and what did Jesus preach to them?
Mar 21, 2023
The book of Jude speaks of angels who “left their own abode,” and of a dispute between Michael the archangel and the devil over “the body of Moses.” What was Jude’s source for these references?
Mar 20, 2023
Does Jude 6 and 7 teach unnatural sexual unions of humans with angels?
Mar 20, 2023
Are the “twenty-four elders” of Revelation 4 supernatural beings who dwell in the presence of God, or are they symbolic representations of the saints?
Mar 20, 2023
Since “Michael” means “one who is like God,” who else but Jesus can fit this description? Are you in error in stating that Michael is an archangel, when there is no biblical basis for this idea?
Mar 15, 2023
Who are the “sons of God” and “daughters of men” mentioned in Genesis 6? Did evil angels marry human females?
Bible Discrepancies
Birth of Jesus
Cain's Wife
Church Mission
Feb 19, 2024
Does Genesis present two conflicting creation stories?
Mar 30, 2023
The belief in a flat earth is growing among conspiracy minded people on the internet. Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat?
Mar 28, 2023
Did dinosaurs and cavemen exist, or are they some of the evolution myths?
Mar 21, 2023
Some people do not believe Jesus is God, but was a created Being. Is Jesus God?
Mar 21, 2023
You say that God did not create evil. Doesn’t this contradict Isaiah 45:7, which clearly states that God creates evil?
Mar 21, 2023
If God is the sole Creator, did He create evil? If so, why?
Mar 20, 2023
If one is keeping the Sabbath correctly, it seems we would have to observe the exact same time zone period as God did at creation. What do you think?
Mar 16, 2023
Doesn’t Proverbs 8:22–31 clearly indicate that the Logos was a created being—in fact, the Father’s first creation?
Mar 16, 2023
In Revelation 3:14, Jesus says He is “the beginning of the creation of God.” Was Jesus created first, before anything else?
Mar 15, 2023
The book of Genesis says that God made light on the first day of creation. Yet, a few verses later, we are told that God made the sun, moon, and stars on the fourth day. Is this not a contradiction?
End Times
Mar 21, 2023
If Jesus was God, then why did He have to pray?
Mar 20, 2023
Zechariah 14:4 is used to picture the Second Coming. “Lord” is used to represent Jesus in the context. Yet, “Lord” is used thousands of other times in Scripture for God the Father. Can you explain?
Mar 16, 2023
Why is Christ called “The Everlasting Father” in Isaiah 9:6?
Mar 16, 2023
In Isaiah 48:16, the speaker, God, distinguishes Himself from two other personalities. He refers to one as the “Lord God,” and to the other as “His Spirit.” Doesn’t this prove that God is a Trinity?
Mar 16, 2023
Doesn’t Proverbs 8:22–31 clearly indicate that the Logos was a created being—in fact, the Father’s first creation?
Mar 16, 2023
Does Hebrews 1:1 suggest that the Father spoke to the prophets and that Jesus did not speak to the prophets or us at any prior time?
Mar 15, 2023
The Bible says there is only one God. Yet, you speak of the Father and the Son as the “two Persons of the Godhead.” Doesn’t this suggest more than one God?
Mar 15, 2023
How do you explain Isaiah 45:5 when your belief is that God is a Family?
Mar 15, 2023
If there are only two Persons in the Godhead (the Father and the Son), how can one be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit?
Mar 15, 2023
I believe there are three distinct Persons in the Godhead: God the Father, Jesus His Son, and the Holy Spirit. Am I right or wrong about this?
Food Laws
Free Will
Gender Roles
Mar 21, 2023
If God is the sole Creator, did He create evil? If so, why?
Mar 15, 2023
Who are the “sons of God” and “daughters of men” mentioned in Genesis 6? Did evil angels marry human females?
Mar 15, 2023
Genesis 6:19,20 and Genesis 7:2,3 tell us that Noah was to admit pairs of all kinds of animals, and 7 each of “clean” animals and birds, aboard the ark. How did Noah get so many animals on the ark?
Mar 15, 2023
Genesis 4:17 mentions Cain’s wife. Where did she come from? Were there humans other than those who came from Adam and Eve?
Mar 15, 2023
The book of Genesis says that God made light on the first day of creation. Yet, a few verses later, we are told that God made the sun, moon, and stars on the fourth day. Is this not a contradiction?
Mar 21, 2023
Is it possible for Christians to hear the voice of God? How does God speak to His church today?
Mar 21, 2023
Some people do not believe Jesus is God, but was a created Being. Is Jesus God?
Mar 21, 2023
You say that God did not create evil. Doesn’t this contradict Isaiah 45:7, which clearly states that God creates evil?
Mar 20, 2023
Are the “twenty-four elders” of Revelation 4 supernatural beings who dwell in the presence of God, or are they symbolic representations of the saints?
Mar 16, 2023
In Revelation 3:14, Jesus says He is “the beginning of the creation of God.” Was Jesus created first, before anything else?
Mar 16, 2023
Does Hebrews 1:1 suggest that the Father spoke to the prophets and that Jesus did not speak to the prophets or us at any prior time?
Mar 16, 2023
In one of your articles you state that God has been here on the earth and appeared to men. Yet, the Bible plainly states that no man can see God and live. Are you not calling God a liar?
Mar 16, 2023
I fully believe that Jesus is the Son of God. I am confused with one question here though. Are we to worship Jesus Christ, when God states in the Old Testament to only worship Him?
Mar 15, 2023
The Bible says there is only one God. Yet, you speak of the Father and the Son as the “two Persons of the Godhead.” Doesn’t this suggest more than one God?
Mar 15, 2023
How do you explain Isaiah 45:5 when your belief is that God is a Family?
Mar 15, 2023
I believe there are three distinct Persons in the Godhead: God the Father, Jesus His Son, and the Holy Spirit. Am I right or wrong about this?
God Family
Mar 22, 2023
Do the “seven spirits who are before the throne of God” represent the Holy Spirit?
Mar 21, 2023
Is Paradise where we go when we die? Does our soul or spirit go to Paradise?
Mar 20, 2023
If no one goes to heaven, then where is the place Jesus is preparing in John 14:3?
Mar 20, 2023
Paul said that to be “absent from the body” is to be “present with the Lord”? If, then, a Christian dies and is “absent from the body,” is he not immediately (and consciously) “present with the Lord”?
Mar 20, 2023
What did Jesus mean when He said, “I go to prepare a place for you”? Some people claim this supports the view that Christians go to heaven.
Mar 20, 2023
Second Kings 2:11 states that Elijah “went up by a whirlwind into heaven.” Yet, John 3:13 and Acts 2:34 indicate no one has ascended into heaven. Can you explain this seeming contradiction?
Mar 20, 2023
Are the “twenty-four elders” of Revelation 4 supernatural beings who dwell in the presence of God, or are they symbolic representations of the saints?
Holy Days
Mar 24, 2023
Regarding the gift of "tongues" on the Day of Pentecost, was the miracle in the speaking, the hearing, or both the speaking and the hearing?
Mar 21, 2023
Can you explain why the holy days are still in effect and should be kept today?
Mar 20, 2023
Doesn’t Paul remind the Colossians that the Mosaic law was nailed to the cross and, in the same context, warn of heretics who would have them adopt Old Testament holy days (Colossians 2:14–17)?
Mar 20, 2023
After reading Galatians 4:9,10, I am having trouble with why Christians are to keep the Sabbath and Holy Days? Is Paul saying we are not to be bound by the festivals and Sabbaths?
Mar 20, 2023
I would like help in explaining something I am having trouble understanding. I know that you depend heavily on Leviticus 23 to prove that people should observe the holy days that are listed there.
Holy Spirit
Mar 24, 2023
Regarding the gift of "tongues" on the Day of Pentecost, was the miracle in the speaking, the hearing, or both the speaking and the hearing?
Mar 22, 2023
Do the “seven spirits who are before the throne of God” represent the Holy Spirit?
Mar 22, 2023
Are the Gifts of the Spirit for Today?
Mar 21, 2023
What is the Holy Spirit, a person, force, or part of a Trinity?
Mar 20, 2023
Isn’t it true that God can give His Holy Spirit to a person who has not been baptized?
Mar 15, 2023
If there are only two Persons in the Godhead (the Father and the Son), how can one be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit?
Mar 15, 2023
I believe there are three distinct Persons in the Godhead: God the Father, Jesus His Son, and the Holy Spirit. Am I right or wrong about this?
Jan 8, 2024
In Matthew 5:17 Jesus states that He came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets. How does Jesus accomplish this?
Jun 7, 2023
There is no biblical instruction to pray to Jesus, so how does one build a personal relationship with Jesus?
Mar 22, 2023
In what sense is Christ the “end of the law”?
Mar 21, 2023
Did Jesus keep the Kosher laws?
Mar 21, 2023
When was Jesus buried and resurrected? I have heard He may have been crucified on a Wednesday and resurrected on Saturday. How can this be?
Mar 21, 2023
Some people do not believe Jesus is God, but was a created Being. Is Jesus God?
Mar 21, 2023
Do I understand correctly that Jesus Christ ascended to His Father after being resurrected, then returned to earth, and then ascended to heaven again?
Mar 21, 2023
If Jesus was God, then why did He have to pray?
Mar 21, 2023
Does Matthew 16:18 prove that Christ built the Church on the apostle Peter?
Mar 21, 2023
I have read in several published works that Jesus was not born on December 25, but rather on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles. Is this what your church teaches?
Mar 21, 2023
Did Jesus speak in parables in order to deliberately conceal the truth from certain people?
Mar 21, 2023
If Joseph was not Jesus’s real father, why is his (Joseph’s) genealogy from David given and not Mary’s? We have no way of knowing if Mary was of Davidic descent or not.
Mar 21, 2023
What is the meaning of 1 Peter 3:19,20? It says, “By whom also He went and preached to the spirits in prison.” Who are the “spirits in prison,” and what did Jesus preach to them?
Mar 20, 2023
What does Jesus mean in Matthew 16:28 when He tells His disciples that some of them would not taste death before seeing Him come in His Kingdom?
Mar 20, 2023
You teach that in Revelation 20:2 the devil will yet be bound 1000 years and no longer deceive the nations. But doesn’t Luke 10:17–19 teach that the devil was bound in the time of Christ on earth?
Mar 20, 2023
Some scholars claim that the “suffering servant” of Isaiah 53 is the nation of Israel personified. Why do you believe that the servant passages of the book of Isaiah apply to the Messiah?
Mar 20, 2023
In Hosea 11:1, God refers to the nation of Israel as His “son” whom He called “out of Egypt.” Yet, Matthew applies this verse to an event in the life of Jesus. Who is right?
Mar 20, 2023
Zechariah 14:4 is used to picture the Second Coming. “Lord” is used to represent Jesus in the context. Yet, “Lord” is used thousands of other times in Scripture for God the Father. Can you explain?
Mar 20, 2023
Since “Michael” means “one who is like God,” who else but Jesus can fit this description? Are you in error in stating that Michael is an archangel, when there is no biblical basis for this idea?
Mar 16, 2023
John 19:33,34 says that the Roman soldier pierced Jesus after seeing that He was already dead. Why do you say that Jesus was pierced before He died?
Mar 16, 2023
Why is Christ called “The Everlasting Father” in Isaiah 9:6?
Mar 16, 2023
In Isaiah 48:16, the speaker, God, distinguishes Himself from two other personalities. He refers to one as the “Lord God,” and to the other as “His Spirit.” Doesn’t this prove that God is a Trinity?
Mar 16, 2023
Doesn’t Proverbs 8:22–31 clearly indicate that the Logos was a created being—in fact, the Father’s first creation?
Mar 16, 2023
In Revelation 3:14, Jesus says He is “the beginning of the creation of God.” Was Jesus created first, before anything else?
Mar 16, 2023
Does Hebrews 1:1 suggest that the Father spoke to the prophets and that Jesus did not speak to the prophets or us at any prior time?
Mar 16, 2023
I fully believe that Jesus is the Son of God. I am confused with one question here though. Are we to worship Jesus Christ, when God states in the Old Testament to only worship Him?
Mar 15, 2023
The Bible says there is only one God. Yet, you speak of the Father and the Son as the “two Persons of the Godhead.” Doesn’t this suggest more than one God?
Mar 15, 2023
How do you explain Isaiah 45:5 when your belief is that God is a Family?
Kingdom of God
Jan 8, 2024
In Matthew 5:17 Jesus states that He came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets. How does Jesus accomplish this?
Apr 20, 2023
Are Old Testament prohibitions against getting tattoos, mixing fabrics, and trimming sideburns required for Christians?
Mar 29, 2023
If the Law of Moses is still in force today, why don't we observe all Mosaic laws? Do we "pick and choose" which laws to keep and which not to keep?
Mar 23, 2023
Would you please explain Romans 6:14? Does "not under the law" mean the law has been abolished?
Mar 22, 2023
In what sense is Christ the “end of the law”?
Mar 20, 2023
Doesn’t Paul remind the Colossians that the Mosaic law was nailed to the cross and, in the same context, warn of heretics who would have them adopt Old Testament holy days (Colossians 2:14–17)?
Mar 20, 2023
After reading Galatians 4:9,10, I am having trouble with why Christians are to keep the Sabbath and Holy Days? Is Paul saying we are not to be bound by the festivals and Sabbaths?
Mar 20, 2023
Leviticus contains hard laws: laws that have to do with types of uncleanness and defilement and require washings and separation from other people until evening. How do these laws apply today?
Mar 20, 2023
Why do you quote from the Old Testament in establishing doctrine for Christians? Shouldn’t Christians get their beliefs from the New Testament alone, especially from the epistles of Paul?
Mar 16, 2023
Doesn’t Hebrews 7:12 tell us that the old Law of Moses has been abolished and replaced with a new law?
Mar 16, 2023
Galatians 4:30,31 teach that Christians are not children of the bondwoman, identified as the covenant from Mount Sinai. Doesn’t this suggest that the law given at Mount Sinai has been done away?
Mar 16, 2023
Is the law “added because of transgressions” (Galatians 3:17–25) the law pertaining to sacrifices, washings, and so forth, or is it the “moral law,” or Ten Commandments?
Mar 16, 2023
James speaks of the “law of liberty” (1:25; 2:12). Paul speaks of the “yoke of bondage” (Galatians 5:1). What two laws are they talking about?
New Covenant
Old Covenant
Apr 20, 2023
Are Old Testament prohibitions against getting tattoos, mixing fabrics, and trimming sideburns required for Christians?
Mar 23, 2023
Are there moral, ceremonial, and civil distinctions within the Old Testament law?
Mar 22, 2023
How are we to discern the difference in which Old Testament laws need to be obeyed?
Mar 20, 2023
Leviticus contains hard laws: laws that have to do with types of uncleanness and defilement and require washings and separation from other people until evening. How do these laws apply today?
Mar 20, 2023
Why do you quote from the Old Testament in establishing doctrine for Christians? Shouldn’t Christians get their beliefs from the New Testament alone, especially from the epistles of Paul?
Mar 20, 2023
Does Matthew 9:14–17 mean that it is a mistake to try to mix the Old Covenant law with the New Covenant gospel?